Loss prevention is a key element of cost control and a valuable service provided to all of our clients. Through a comprehensive, proactive analysis of a business’ management policies, safety programs, and training, our loss prevention representatives formulate constructive safety recommendations and feasible, industry-specific action plans. This in turn reduces hazards, policies, and practices that can cause claims.
Safety surveys are an integral part of a safety plan, creating safer work environments through hazard detection and abatement, and preserving the integrity of the program. RMS conducts on-site inspections prior to accepting a business if deemed appropriate. A hazardous class code, above average loss history, or multiple claims for the same type of accident will result in an inspection. Current policyholders are also inspected if high losses or similar types of claims occur. Unsafe procedures are the primary cause of workplace injury, and RMS uses site survey data to assist businesses in identifying areas in which to concentrate additional training and education. The Loss Prevention department provides information on many safety topics, including orientation training, hazard communication, and personal protective equipment.
RMS also helps members reduce costs through the implementation of drug and alcohol policies. Substance abuse in the workplace increases accidents and absenteeism and decreases productivity and profitability. RMS utilizes cost reduction tools and state laws protecting employers, directly affecting the bottom line.
Extended Loss Prevention Services
The Loss Prevention Department at RMS believes that having a strong workplace safety, health, and environmental program has a major impact on:
Reducing the likelihood of workplace injuries and illnesses
Reducing costs, including significant reductions in workers' compensation premiums
Reducing the likelihood of workplace injuries and illnesses
Improving compliance with state / federal laws and regulations (OSHA fines range from $1 to $156,259)
Better employee morale and increased productivity
RMS is pleased to announce that we are now offering a fee-based extended services to our clients. Our services can be customized to meet individual client needs. For more information or to request a quote for your business, contact our Loss Prevention Department at 1-800-351-RISK (7475) or LossPrevention@RMSLA.com.
Contact us today!